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What we do


We provide family accommodation 365 days a year for parents who have ill children in Temple Street, Holles Street, The Coombe and Rotunda Hospitals. 


We saw families under severe pressure with a very ill child being separated at a time when they needed each other the most. We saw that when a child is in hospital, no one can cheer them up or excite them as much as their brothers and sisters.


We wanted to nourish the families with home-cooked food to strengthen them. Take-away food will not sustain families long-term so we want to provide a nutritious dinner through volunteer cooks.


Fresh air! We wanted a place for children to play and for families to visit outside of a ward environment.


We wanted a place for children who face long journeys for out-patient appointments to have a place to go before they face the trip back home.






We are a registered charity that provides free accommodation to families while their children are inpatients in Temple Street,  Rotunda, Coombe & Holles Street hospitals



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Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20105945 

Tax Number: 3229746LH

Revenue Charity Number CHY 21511

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